Sunday, June 15, 2008


Have you ever stood in a moment and thought about how you arrived there?

Have you ever thought about the pieces of your life's puzzle that needed to fall into place to make "that" happen?

Seemingly unrelated pieces of a puzzle fit together to craft our life's journey. Looking forward at a bunch of scattered puzzle pieces, we realize that life is unpredictable in the way it is pieced together. Yet, when looking back on how we arrived to various moments, stages and events we can see how the pieces "make sense".

Or perhaps we are in moments right now that we do not understand the purpose or God's plan for them, but they will make sense in their time. Perhaps we are discouraged and need to re-piece the puzzle back together again.

In the asparagus barn, I've had many opportunities to reflect on my journey in life so far and where I have arrived, and events that have brought me there. But I tend to lean toward the future, thinking about all of the possibilities for my life. But, I am constantly reminded that the opportunities are endless (Teaching locally, abroad, pursuing my Masters), but God has specific puzzle pieces for my life that fit into his grand puzzle for humanity.

If I saw the whole picture to my life, it might feel scary, daunting or lacking adventure. It wouldn't require the trust or relationship that God designed for us to live out with him.

Therefore, I could speculate about my future or I can trust that the plans God has for me are to prosper, to not harm me and to give me hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). I just need to trust and listen to him, seeking God's heart in the moments he has given me, by not speculating and worrying about tomorrow but to be concerned for the moments I am in now (Matthew 6:34).

I've surrounded this blog with a picture of a sunrise and sunset, the start and closure to everyday - we cannot predict what will happen after that sunrise (how our day will unfold) or the sunset (what the future holds), but we need to embrace the opportunities Jesus has given us in the present, where he is challenging us to abide with him.

I am thankful for the silence or "thinking space" I am given in the barn to reflect upon life.

Take care,

P.S. The Sunrise I watched in Port Burwell with Fiddy, while the sunset is just one of many in this beautiful area of Southern Ontario on Lake Erie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have made me come to appreciate where I came from... I generally hate Lake Erie... mainly b/c of the awful kidney infection I acquired when I was 9, but you get the idea...
Nice pictures!
Miss you! stac!