Sunday, June 29, 2008


Lakeshore Road is quite an interesting place. Before coming in late-April, part of the road eroded and collapsed. Here is a picture of the "Abyss". It was a gradual build up of water underneath the road and one day it just collapsed. It reminds me how the life is eroding and changing beneath us and how I need to root myself in God who is my constancy in the world that is changing.

This week amidst the work, I needed to fix my glasses. After a mild bump and having them fall off, I was under the assumption that my glasses needed one screw tightened and an adjustment. Instead, I found out that they needed a whole new arm. Luckily, I had super-Mom get on the case and tomorrow I will have the new frames.

Yesterday, the asparagus season ended after the busiest two weeks of packing in the barn. In the season approximately 2.4 million pounds of asparagus was packed, just to give you a magnitude of the operation. Boy was I happy when I pulled out the final skid of asparagus!

On Thursday, the team will be flying to El Tizate for the next two months.
Time in Port Burwell is eroding.
A few more days to enjoy the beauty of Lake Erie.
Life is going to change - surroundings, language, activities, friendships.
I look forward to my return - to build upon existing friendships, to receive a deeper glimpse into the culture of El Tizate (a rural Guatemalan village).
I will be living with Mariana and Factor - the family that hosted me last summer.
I will also be involved in the construction of the current housing projects as well as teaching an evening adult ESL class.

I will be posting a photo blog before leaving in the next few days.


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