I will be posting a photo blog before leaving in the next few days.
Posted by
Andrew Jones
9:18 AM
Posted by
Andrew Jones
12:59 PM
Dear loyal blog fans,
The theme to my titles with explore "La vida es..." (a neat phrase sketched into a rock in Antigua). Each title will answer this deep yet light-hearted question of what life can be.
I have been here living in the hamlet of Houghton Centre - in between Port Burwell and Port Rowan for the past month now. The asparagus season started early due to the warm weather in April, but the cold weather in May has slowed asparagus production down. The hours haven't been too long (9-10 hours a day) and my job is the same as last year (dragging skids of asparagus from the cooler and plopping the lugs onto the line to be bunched and packed). I have also been the "hoser" of Spearktek 6 - ensuring that the machine sprayed down clean. This job has been a welcome break from the University academia and has given me time to reflect and think.
Living out in the country has resulted in a few mischevious adventures for me at "The Ark" (where the 12 summer students reside).
Ironically, we had a flood in the basement of the Ark.
Kris, Dale and I are enjoying the upstairs loft (we call it the penthouse).
One day at the beginning of May, Dale and I were working on watering new trees and saw a dead hawk laying on the side of the road. We placed it in Mary's window with a note that said "I'm watching you with my hawk eyes". We hoped that the hawk would become the team mascot, but alas - it was decomposing and attracting unwanted flies.
While driving home from a team trip to St Jacobs, the group of people in the truck I was in, stopped at the side of the road to see if we could join the volleyball game occurring in a backyard we saw (thinking it would be fun and random). They shouted "No!" This is our first team shot in St Jacobs (less photographer Julianne).Here's one more 'near' St Jacobs (Mom - look real hard haha) Here is Rachel (Yo-Yo), me, Dale and Mary.
One weekend ago, I was able to go see Dale get baptized in Leamington. It was great to attend and be there to support him on that day and visit with his family. That Sunday afternoon, we went to Point Pelee to stand at the most southern tip of Canada. Here we are sitting at the 42nd parallel in Canada.
Then here are Karla and I determining to reach the absolutely tip (with my life philosophy of "Go Big or Go Home"). Visit it someday if you haven't got the chance yet.My apologies for my inability to post - from this point forward I'll update it weekly (perhaps on the Sunday or Monday).
Talk with you next time, with some ideas and thoughts God has been stirring in me.
Posted by
Andrew Jones
4:01 PM